Meet Symond
Symond is a deeply tragic character, shaped by years of unrelenting abuse at the hands of Master Thorn and his brutal enforcer, Captain Gerard. Treated worse than any other student at the Miros Institute, he endures constant punishments, sometimes without clear cause, leaving him bitter and hardened. This harsh upbringing has twisted his sense of power and control, pushing him to adopt the very behaviors of his abusers in a desperate attempt to reclaim the agency he’s been denied.
On the surface, Symond may seem like an antagonist—his sharp tongue, cutting actions, and simmering resentment make him easy to dislike. But beneath his hardened exterior lies a well of pain and vulnerability, making him a character readers will struggle to hate entirely. His tragic depth and the cyclical nature of his trauma make him both compelling and profoundly human, the kind of character who leaves readers conflicted, feeling sorrow for him even as they condemn his choices.
Character Snapshot:
Age: 18
Personality: Bitter, Combative, Hot-headed, Guarded
Institute Division: Enchanting
Elora - She’s a symbol of everything he has been denied.
Tehvan - The living embodiment of a parental figure that he never had.
Thorn - The cold puppeteer pulling his strings.
Gerard - The monster who tortures him by night and pretends to be his friend by day.